- SINAPSE Image of the Month: May 2022
- Vacancy: PDRA at Glasgow: Privacy-Preserved Human Motion Analysis for Healthcare Applications
- 2022 ASM Call for Abstracts
- PhD Studentship at Edinburgh: Measuring neurodegeneration in models of multiple sclerosis using PET
- Vacancy: Senior Data Scientist
- Vacancy: Research Radiographer QEUH
- 2021 CSO CIIP Awarded to Dr Tom MacGillivray
- PhD Studentship at Glasgow: Computational Intelligence for algorithmic support of teams in data-intensive contexts
- PhD Studentship at Edinburgh: Targeted ultrasonic contrast enhancement for accurate staging of rectal cancer
- Vacancy: RA at Strathclyde Hypnosis and Suggestibility
- PDRF at Edinburgh: Medical Image Processing and Analysis
- 2021 CSO Award for Clinical Imaging Innovation and Partnership
- PhD Studentship at Aberdeen: Contextual effects in medical image perception
- PhD Studentship at St Andrews: Janus-face fluorocyclohexane rings for tumor imaging
- PhD studentship at Aberdeen: Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Imaging
- Summary of 2021 SINAPSE ASM
- Vacancy: Senior Appointment in MRI
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Football and dementia: Understanding the brain-health consequences of football heading
- Vacancy: Research Assistant/Associate – RF Coil Development
- Report available from 'Our Future Health in Scotland' workshop
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: 7T MRI for the diagnosis of neurovascular disease and epilepsy
- Scotland's First National Brain Health and Dementia Research Strategy
- Vacancy: Research Assistant on dementia diagnosis neuroimaging analysis project at University of Glasgow
- PhD opportunities at Glasgow: Integrating imaging data and artificial social intelligence
- Funding call for early-career researchers studying neurodegenerative or neurodevelopmental conditions
- Prof Lurie made Fellow of ISMRM
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Novel PET tracer for imaging cardiovascular inflammation
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh: Measurement of vascular wall shear stress using high frame rate ultrasound imaging
- Vacancy: Research Associate in EEG analysis and machine learning at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: Research Assistant in fMRI at University of Edinburgh
- Machine learning and deep learning sessions in SINAPSE/MathWorks MATLAB for Image Analysis online course
- Vacancy: Research Associate in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: FeMRI for iliac vessel imaging
- SINAPSE Virtual Happy Hour for socialising and networking with fellow imaging researchers
- SINAPSE Vacancy: Operations Manager to lead delivery of project outcomes
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh in Optical Medical Imaging
- Vacancy: Research Associate on ultrasonic surgical devices project at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: Senior Data Engineer to contribute to PICTURES project at University of Dundee
- Vacancy: Research Fellows in BHF Centre of Research Excellence at University of Edinburgh
- Dementias research PhD studentships in Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Medical imaging informatics Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- Celebrating Diversity in Imaging Research: Dr Victoria Gradin
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Neural marker of proactive movement control in mobile EEG
- Cross-disciplinary Coffee Break Meetups
- Results from PICTURES image data research needs survey
- Vacancy: Research Associate on neuroimaging and brain stimulation project at University of Glasgow
- PhD opportunity at Dundee: Prediction of individual patient survival and GBM tumour characteristics
- SINAPSE 2020 Annual Report summary
- EngD opportunity with Canon Medical: More efficient deep learning for medical image analysis
- EngD opportunity with Optos: Hybrid Optical-Digital Coherence Tomography
- EngD opportunity with IMV Imaging: Adaptive beamforming in advanced compact commercial systems
- Celebrating Diversity in Imaging Research: Dr Akira O'Connor
- New online course for SINAPSE members on MATLAB for Image Analysis
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: OCTA retinal image segmentation
- Vacancy: Research Assistant/Associate on multimodal brain imaging project at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: MRI Research Radiographer at University of Edinburgh
- Update on PICTURES image data research needs survey (and prize draw opportunity)
- Vacancy: MRI Lead Superintendent Radiographer at University of Aberdeen
- Call for volunteers: Celebrating diversity in imaging research
- SINAPSE Online Training Bursary Fund
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: PET detection of prostate cancer tumour heterogeneity
- Vacancy: Research Associate on neuroimaging and TMS project at University of Glasgow
- CSO Award for Clinical Imaging Innovation and Partnership to support machine learning project for radiolucency detection in clinical x-rays
- Applications open for 2021 intake to clinical academic training programme in cancer at CRUK Edinburgh and Glasgow Centres
- Vacancy: Research Associate in PET chemistry for synaptic imaging at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Fast field-cycling MRI in stroke
- PhD opportunities at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Research Assistant on human motion analysis project at University of Glasgow
- PhD opportunities at St Andrews: EEG and computational modeling, neuroimaging and psychophysics
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen: Magnetic resonance relaxometry, Fast field-cycling MRI, EEG
- Precision Medicine PhD studentships in Edinburgh and Glasgow
- PICTURES survey on image data research needs
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MR-PET differentiation of cardiac amyloid subtypes
- Vacancy: Research Assistant/Associate on neuroimaging and brain stimulation project at University of Glasgow
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh: Machine learning techniques for endomicroscopy imaging data
- CSO-SINAPSE funding call to support clinical imaging research or training
- Note of cross-pool session on Data Sciences and Brain Health across the Life Course
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Prognostic ultrasound features of breast cancer
- 1st synaptic million for 1st cohort SINAPSE student Adriana Tavares
- Vacancy: MRI Superintendent Radiographer at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Research Associate posts on simultaneous EEG-fMRI project at University of Glasgow
- Research Innovation Scotland: Interactive tool for the Scottish research and innovation ecosystem
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: DCE-MRI quantification of blood-brain barrier leakage
- Scottish Enterprise backing for commercialisation of retinal imaging research
- Vacancy: Imaging Analyst at CRUK RadNet Glasgow Centre
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: Quantitative MRI of the prostate at 7T
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Ferumoxytol MRA
- Planning for post-lockdown resumption of medical imaging research
- Vacancy: Research Associate in RF coil design for ultra-high field MRI at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Combined channels in parallel transmit MRI
- Summary of 2020 SINAPSE ASM
- Vacancy: Research Associate to work on micro-vessel flow phantoms for ultrasound therapy at University of Strathclyde
- Vacancy: Research Fellow in MRI perivascular spaces image analysis at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MRI hippocampal subfield volumes
- PECRE award recipients
- PhD opportunity at Dundee: Linking neuroimaging to healthcare data to explore early life adversity on chronic pain, depression and analgesic use
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: COVID-19 CT perfusion findings
- Innovation Partnership Fund awards to projects across SINAPSE partner institutions
- PhD opportunity at Strathclyde: Micro-scale tissue characterisation to help detect and diagnose cancer using ultrasound
- Vacancy: Clinical Research Fellows in BHF Centre of Research Excellence at University of Edinburgh
- 2020 SINAPSE ASM Update: Virtual Meeting
- Free access to transferable skills in imaging training for SINAPSE-affiliated PhD students
- New SINAPSE Director: Dr Jennifer Macfarlane
- Note of thanks from Prof Murray to SINAPSE colleagues
- Scottish Ultrasound Group: 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting
- PhD opportunity at Glasgow: Neurofeedback in patients with post-stroke fatigue
- Vacancy: Neuroscience and Immunobiology Clinical Research Fellow at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: Research Associate in Privacy and Machine Learning at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Brain MRI associations with vascular risk factors
- SINAPSE 2019 Annual Report summary
- PhD opportunity at Strathclyde: Improving the targeted treatment of cancer using ultrasound
- Vacancy: Clinical Senior Lecturer in Radiology at University of Aberdeen
- Applications invited for new interdisciplinary European Crucible event
- Vacancy: Alzheimer’s Society Clinical Research Training Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Lead Clinician and Network Imaging Manager positions with the Scottish Clinical Imaging Network
- Vacancy: Data Governance Officer with iCAIRD at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Harmonized functional protocols for 7T MRI neuroimaging
- Vacancy: faculty position in Cognitive Neuroscience at University of Glasgow
- New clinical academic training programme in cancer at CRUK Edinburgh and Glasgow Centres
- Vacancy: Chancellor's Fellows in BHF Centre of Research Excellence at University of Edinburgh
- RSE Young Academy of Scotland recruiting for new members
- Vacancy: Regenerative Neurology Fellows at University of Edinburgh
- EngD opportunity in Glasgow with NHS GG&C: Multi-modality image registration
- EngD opportunity in Edinburgh with Canon Medical: Answering Questions about Medical Images
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Fellow on liver cell therapy preclinical imaging project at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in retinal image processing at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: CTPA coronary artery calcification
- Vacancy: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Computer Vision and Machine Learning at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Senior Lecturer / Reader in Medical Sciences at University of Aberdeen
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Ultrasound training phantom
- Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain PhD studentships in Edinburgh
- Vacancy: MEG Research Assistant/Associate positions at University of Glasgow
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh: Retinal imaging in the context of age-related cognitive decline
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen: MRI relaxometry, EEG source reconstruction, EEG temporal and spectral analyses
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh: Expanding enzymatic fluorination for PET synthesis
- PhD opportunity at St Andrews: EEG and computational modeling
- Vacancy: Data Scientist, AI and Imaging Data Expert at University of Dundee
- Vacancy: Research Fellow in Computational Neuroimaging at University of Aberdeen
- Vacancy: Ultrasound Research Associate at University of Strathclyde
- Vacancy: Psychiatry EEG Research Assistant at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Experimental neuroscience Research Associate position at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Ovine brain MRI segmentation
- Japan visit showcased Scottish medical imaging and AI innovation
- PhD studentship at Aberdeen: Investigating the impact of brain iron on neurodegeneration
- Vacancy: Lecturer in Ultrasonics at University of Glasgow
- Report published from independent review of the Scottish research pooling initiative
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: fMRI predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy response
- Vacancy: Cardiology Clinical Research Fellow at University of Dundee
- Vacancy: Research Assistant position in clinical studies of cerebral small vessel disease at Edinburgh
- Neuroimaging in diseases that cause dementia: Meeting summary
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Manganese-enhanced MRI
- Vacancy: Radiochemistry Technician at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Research administrator in cerebrovascular and neuroimaging studies at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: PET Radiochemistry Quality Control Manager at University of Edinburgh
- 2nd meeting of the SINAPSE Image Analysis group
- PhD studentship at Edinburgh: Convolutional neural networks to correct motion in dynamic MR imaging
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Tract-based automatic analysis of age-related changes in brain white matter
- Vacancy: PET R&D Research Technician at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Research Associate in ultrasonic surgical devices programme at Glasgow
- Two vacancies for preclinical MRI neuroimaging research at Glasgow
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Assessing the lifelong impact of binge-drinking behaviour and Memory Blackouts
- Vacancy: Ophthalmic Imager and Analyst at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Clinical Research Training Fellows at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Experimental neuroscience Research Assistant/Associate position at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning Analysis at University of Aberdeen
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: New PET/CT method for BMAT identification from clinical CT scans
- Summary of 2019 SINAPSE ASM
- Vacancy: Senior Clinical Lecturer in Radiology at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: First in-vivo scan with ICE multi-channel 7T head coil
- Vacancy: Research Project Manager for iCAIRD at University of Aberdeen
- Vacancy: Lecturer in Magnetic Resonance Physics at University of Aberdeen
- Capsule ultrasound project wins Humanitarian Engineering Impact Award
- Vacancy: Research Associate in Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Microendoscopy Imaging in Edinburgh
- Prof van Beek made Fellow of ISMRM
- Vacancy: Research Associate in Healthcare AI at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Early Contrast Enhancement MRI
- Funding for PICTURES project to develop clinical tools from Scotland's national medical imaging archive
- Vacancy: 7T fMRI Research Assistant/Associate positions at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Mobile EEG to study real world memory
- Vacancy: Senior Neuroradiology Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Motion correction for MRI of the pelvis
- SINAPSE 2018 Annual Report summary
- Proof of Principle Funding Call in Optical Imaging
- Science and Innovation Audit Report released on Precision Medicine in Scotland
- Vacancy: Capsule ultrasound Research Associate at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Hippocampal MRE
- Precision Medicine PhD studentships in Edinburgh
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: Neural and computational principles underlying social vs non-social decision making
- PhD studentship at Aberdeen: Trust in artificial intelligence for health care diagnostics
- Applications invited for a place on the forthcoming Optical Imaging Crucible workshop
- Vacancy: Visual neuroscience Research Assistant/Associate position at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Tim'rous beastie imaged in 3D
- Vacancy: Clinical Research Fellow in studies of cerebral SVD at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: MEG/EEG Research Assistant/Associate positions at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: Radiochemistry R&D Postdoctoral Scientist position at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Research Fellow in Brain Imaging at University of Aberdeen
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher position in machine learning for medical image analysis at Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Software Engineer and Data Manager at Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: 4D Flow MRA
- ImaGin cocktail recipe contest honourable mention
- ImaGin cocktail recipe contest winner
- Vacancy: Research Associate in Deep Learning and Medical Image Computing at Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Management Professional & Administrative positions with iCAIRD at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher position on information theoretic methods for neuroimaging at Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MRI functional connectivity
- Vacancy: Clinical Fellow in Neurodegenerative Diseases at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: PET R&D Research Technician at University of Edinburgh
- Karolinska Stroke Award to Professor Wardlaw
- PhD opportunities at Dundee
- PhD studentship at the Beatson in Glasgow: Exploiting metabolic vulnerability in cancer
- PhD opportunities at Glasgow
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Retinal imaging biomarker discovery for MS
- iCAIRD Scottish centre of excellence for AI in digital diagnostics to open in Glasgow
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher position on cross-cultural social robots project at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher position in retinal imaging at Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Teaching Fellow in cognitive neuroscience at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Optical endomicroscopy
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen: 7T MRI and PET-MR, MRI relaxometry, EEG
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Neurovascular 7T clinical MRI
- Scottish Molecular Imaging Meeting 2018
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Advanced signal processing and MRI in small vessel disease and dementia
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral research fellow at Edinburgh for EEG research in Psychiatry
- Edinburgh Preclinical Imaging PET team competing for WMIC 2018 "This is Our Lab" prize
- Ultrasound research Knowledge Transfer Partnership underway
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Molecular Imaging at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Psychology faculty position at University of Stirling
- Vacancy: Specialist Radiographer (x2) in Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Kidney DTI
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Does heading the football affect the brain?
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MR spectroscopy of brain white matter
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Topical menthol for the management of peripheral neuropathic pain, using an RCT with fMRI
- Report on Prof Wyper's LEJOG fundraising cycle
- Vacancy: Senior Lecturer / Reader in preclinical brain imaging at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Imaging science and art collaboration
- Within-SINAPSE Exchange Funding
- Prof Wyper's LEJOG fundraising cycle and SPIN
- Summary of 2018 SINAPSE ASM
- Precision Medicine PhD studentships in Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Shear wave elastography
- Vacancy: Research Fellow in neuroimaging and genetics at University of Edinburgh
- 2nd meeting of the SINAPSE Psychology group
- Vacancy: Research Associate for neuroimaging project at University of Strathclyde
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: fMRI outcome measures in neuropsychological rehabilitation
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: MRI to assess carotid-brain interactions in people with stroke
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Retinal vascular parameters
- BNMS Norman Veall medal to Dr Roger Staff
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen: trace elements MRI and MR relaxometric imaging
- Brain health index from MRI scans predicts cognitive function after stroke
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: TSPO PET Radiotracer
- Vacancy: Ultrasound KTP Associate for Dundee-BCF partnership
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Automatic segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities
- Prof Murray elected as RSE Fellow
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Imaging fluid flow in the brain
- 5th meeting of the SINAPSE Molecular Imaging group
- Vacancy: Research Assistant for brain oscillations project at University of Glasgow
- Best paper award at MICCAI 2017 Connectomics in Neuroimaging workshop won by Dundee MSc student
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Semantic Cognition Meta-Analysis Activation Likelihood Maps
- Feinberg Award to Professor Wardlaw
- First Minister visits Imaging Centre of Excellence
- Vacancy: Research Fellow in PET-MRI Physics at University of Edinburgh
- Call for Carnegie Research Assessors
- PET3D Research Assistant position in Spain
- SINAPSE Image of the Year 2017
- Call for Scottish Crucible 2018 applications
- Vacancy: 7T fMRI Research Assistant/Associate position at University of Glasgow
- Strathclyde welcomed as new SINAPSE Partner University
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Identifying the unique impact of schooling on children’s neurocognitive development
- Minutes of 7th SINAPSE-SANON Meeting
- Stirling research on football heading featured in BBC documentary
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Can we identify neural signatures of dementia early on?
- PhD studentship at Glasgow: Techniques for Clinical MRI at 7T
- PhD studentship at Stirling: Can we develop a brain pacemaker?
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Micro-ultrasound detection of tissue abnormalities
- Vacancy: Preclinical MRI Physics Research Associate at University of Glasgow
- SPRINT-MND/MS PhD studentships in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, St Andrews
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen: 7T MRI and PET-MR, trace elements MRI, MRI relaxometry, EEG
- PhD opportunity at Edinburgh: Preclinical radionuclide imaging
- SINAPSE hosts Scotland visit by Taiwan researchers
- Professor Wardlaw featured in RCP 'Women in Medicine' project
- 1st meeting of the SINAPSE Image Analysis group
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Liver T1 mapping
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: R2* MRI brain map
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: MRI and Microwave Radiometry Based Measurement of the Efficacy of Hot and Cold Treatments
- Vacancy: Edinburgh UK DRI centre Programme Leader - Fellow and Professor positions
- Vacancy: Retinal image analysis postdoc at University of Dundee
- Vacancy: Ultrasound Research Associate at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: SINAPSE Wedding
- IPEM Academic Gold Medal to Professor Lurie
- Vacancy: PET Radiopharmaceutical Production Technologist in Glasgow
- Vacancy: Image Analysis Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Clinical Research Fellow in Small Vessel Diseases at University of Edinburgh
- Edinburgh Imaging Opening Symposium lectures available to view
- Vacancy: MRI RF coil development Research Assistant at University of Glasgow
- Vacancy: AMYPAD Clinical Project Manager at University of Edinburgh
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Use of imaging techniques to investigate metastatic tumours
- Vacancy: TriBEKa Data Manager at University of Edinburgh
- Travel bursary funding opportunity for early career workers in PET radiochemistry
- PET3D PhD position in Norway
- PhD studentship in Glasgow: Mechanisms of neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Cardiac MR-PET
- Summary of 2017 SINAPSE ASM
- PET3D Research Assistant position in Belgium
- PhD studentship in Glasgow: Generation of synthetic medical histories for clinical decision support
- PhD studentship in Glasgow: Ultrasonic differentiation of healthy and diseased neural tissue
- Invitation for PhD students to Translational Medicine conference in Birmingham
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: DTI visualisation
- SFC guest blog on MR PET system at Edinburgh Imaging
- ESO Presidential Award to Professor Wardlaw
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Improved MRI techniques for diagnosis of brain vascular dysfunction
- PhD opportunities in Dundee
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Deep learning for clinical decision support
- Imaging Team of the Year award to Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: First scan from new 7T MRI facility
- Vacancy: Research Assistant position in Cognitive Neuroimaging at University of Glasgow
- Congratulations to David Dickie
- Edinburgh awarded centre status in UK Dementias Research Institute
- Mobile EEG study at Stirling to be first to record brain activity during dance
- New SINAPSE Director: Prof Alison Murray
- Note of thanks from Prof Wyper to SINAPSE colleagues
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Micro-ultrasound nerve fascicles
- Research underway on Scotland's first MR PET system in Edinburgh
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen and Dundee
- SINAPSE guest blog for SFC: Defining the future of imaging research
- SINAPSE 2016 Annual Report summary
- PhD studentship in Amsterdam: synthesis of new PET tracers
- Vacancy: three Psychology faculty positions at University of Stirling
- Vacancy: High-resolution fMRI Research Assistant/Associate at University of Glasgow
- Scottish Ultrasound Group: Inaugural Annual Scientific Meeting
- Professor Wardlaw interviewed by RCR for International Women's Day
- Vacancy: faculty position in Cognitive Neuroimaging at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: White matter hyperintensities
- Imaging Symposium to mark opening of Edinburgh Imaging facilities at QMRI and RIE
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Computer-aided CT imaging
- Imaging Symposium to mark opening of ICE at Glasgow
- Imaging Team of the Year nomination for Edinburgh
- MIUA 2017 submission deadline extended
- Glasgow-led clinical trial in stroke disability featured in BBC documentary
- HRH Princess Royal opens Edinburgh Imaging facilities at QMRI and RIE
- 2017 SINAPSE ASM: Abstract submission open
- RSE Quiz A Whiz series features Dr Akira O'Connor
- Aye Write! event in Glasgow with science journalist Caroline Williams
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: CT Coronary Angiogram
- PET3D PhD positions in Germany
- 1st meeting of the SINAPSE Psychology group
- New Neuroscience MRes programme at St Andrews open for 2017 entry
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Age associations with brain white matter tracts
- Call for Scottish Crucible 2017 applications
- Vacancy: Clinical Project Manager at University of Edinburgh
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Diabetic retinopathy biomarkers
- Vacancy: Senior PET Chemist at the Beatson in Glasgow
- Image of the Year competition for 2017
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: 2016 Welcome Event
- Experience the 2016 SINAPSE ASM in 360 degree video
- Scotland's first 7T clinical MRI scanner arrives in Glasgow
- Carnegie Vacation Scholarships for Undergraduate Students
- Slides available from presentation on 7T MRI at Glasgow
- PET3D PhD positions in Spain
- Roland Sutton Academic Trust award for Scotland-Taiwan research collaboration
- 6th SINAPSE-SANON Meeting: minutes, action points, and presenter slides
- Vacancy: 7T fMRI Research Assistant/Associate at University of Glasgow
- PET3D PhD positions in Norway
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Whole body MRA
- Heading a football causes impairment of brain function
- PhD opportunities at St Andrews
- PhD opportunities at Aberdeen
- Stroke Association article on Professor Wardlaw's SVD research
- PhD studentship in Aberdeen: PET/CT imaging
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI
- MIUA 2017 call for technical papers and clinical abstracts
- New 7T MRI facility at Glasgow featured in Business Quarter article
- JPND working group on vascular contributions to neurodegeneration publishes final paper
- Feature on world class imaging facilities at SINAPSE centres in NHS Research Scotland magazine
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Episodic Memory EEG
- Reconstruction Schemes for MR Data workshop held in Edinburgh
- Final chance to apply for Edinburgh Imaging Academy online programmes
- fMRI deja vu research featured in New Scientist article
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: 3D PC-MRI
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography
- Dr Christine Demore leaving Dundee
- SINAPSE seed fund PhD studentship available at Aberdeen
- Prof Wyper cycling 1,000 km to raise funds for brain cancer research
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Magnetic Resonance Elastography
- BRAINS Imagebank data now available
- Summary of 2016 SINAPSE ASM
- Taiwan visit by SINAPSE researchers
- First prize to Dundee ultrasound poster at RA-UK
- SINAPSE seed fund PhD studentship available at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Imaging Project Administrator at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Professor/Reader in MRI Physics at University of Glasgow
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: 18F-Fluorination
- Applications open for The Brain Prize course: Hippocampus from Circuits to Cognition
- Vacancy: MRI Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- PhD studentship in Aberdeen
- Two vacancies for fMRI research at Glasgow
- Vacancy: Neuroradiology Clinical Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- Vacancy: Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Radiology at University of Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: 7T fMRI cortical layers
- Age-specific atlases of T1 brain MRI developed by University of Edinburgh
- InnovationBiotechnology lecture by Tom MacGillivray available to watch online
- Three vacancies for MR research at Edinburgh
- Launch meetings for Global Challenge Network+ in Advanced Radiotherapy
- Invitation for PhD students to Translational Medicine conference in Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: OCT retinal layers
- Congratulations to Adriana Tavares
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Psychiatry, neuroimaging and image analysis
- PhD studentship in Edinburgh: Diabetic retinopathy biomarkers
- 2016 UK PET Chemistry Meeting abstract deadline extended to 18th March
- New website for Scottish Ultrasound Group
- SINAPSE 2015 Annual Report
- Aye Write! event in Glasgow with neuroscientist Dr Dean Burnett
- Congratulations to Professor Richard Morris for Brain Prize
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: CT perfusion following pulmonary embolism
- Digital brain atlas featured in University of Edinburgh's annual review
- EPSRC funded PhD opportunities in Dundee
- PhD studentship in Aberdeen: Automated detection methods for brain MRI
- PhD studentship in Aberdeen: MRS in cancer research
- 2016 SINAPSE ASM: Abstract submission open
- Call for Scottish Crucible 2016 applications
- Young Researchers' Futures Meeting on medical imaging and interventions in cancer
- Horizon 2020 SME instrument award for Holoxica
- Research Technician position: Preclinical PET
- SINAPSE seed fund PhD studentship available at Edinburgh
- SINAPSE seed fund PhD studentship available at Dundee
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MRI incidental findings
- Runner-up entry from SINAPSE in IOP International Year of Light video competition
- First SINAPSE seed fund PhD studentship available at Aberdeen
- Funding call for brain imaging in neurodegenerative disease research
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Retinal imaging displacement field
- Professor Wardlaw awarded CBE in Queen's New Year Honours list
- RSE International Exchange Grants awarded to SINAPSE researchers
- Winning entry from SINAPSE in IOP International Year of Light video competition
- Funding opportunity for research collaborations between Scotland and Taiwan
- Optical imaging research featured in IEEE Pulse magazine
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Carotid Ultrasound
- SUPA award for Joyce Joy of Dundee
- SINAPSE 2015 Annual Report summary
- Acting on incidental findings in research imaging
- PhD opportunities at Dundee in biomedical image analysis
- PhD studentship in St Andrews
- Wellcome Trust 4 Year PhD in Translational Neuroscience
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Brainstem SPECT
- Successful Horizon 2020 bid
- Paper highlighted in CHEMISTRY and INDUSTRY
- SINAPSE MOLECULAR IMAGING MEETING on Radiochemistry and Tracer Development
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: Retinal Vasculature
- IOP International Year of Light video competition
- Junior Group Leader position: PET/MRI
- SINAPSE Image of the Month: MRI Brain Atlas
- Medical imaging exhibition in Edinburgh
- Call for SINAPSE seed fund studentship applications
- Two open funding calls from the Multiple Sclerosis Society
- EngD and MSc degrees in Sensor and Imaging Systems
- PhD studentship in Manchester
- Atlas of older brains could help diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
- Holyrood's Youth Enterprise Event
- 7th IWPFI meeting
- SINAPSE meets with the Farr Institute
- SINAPSE lead scientist appointed
- Scottish Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Conference
- BNA Festival of Neuroscience 2015
- Importance to Scottish Research of UK Funding Council partnerships
- Advances in Molecular Imaging of the Central Nervous System
- MNE-Python meeting
- SINAPSE ASM prize winners
- Scientific Officer position
- Public Engagement with Research
- Vacancy
- Professor Pickard retires
- Launch of CENSIS
- Post doctoral position in MR physics
- Ourania in Famelab Scottish Regional Finals
- CCACE PhD studentships in cognitive ageing available
- The link between traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s Disease
- 18F-NaF-PET-CT can localise ruptured high risk coronary plaque.
- Neuroimaging and the law.
- SINAPSE membership open to all imaging researchers around Scotland
- Congratulations to Liz Jameson
- SINAPSE director delivers IPEM John Mallard lecture
- Stroke patients see signs of recovery in stem-cell trial
- SINAPSE ASM Prize winners announced
- Report assessing Geometric Distortion as part of QA in Multicentre MRI
- PhD opportunities at Edinburgh
- PET, SPECT and Radiochemistry
- Insight into ECT
- Chemistry for Imaging Meeting
- Managing incidental findings during imaging research
- MRI techniques to understand the inner workings of a tarantula
- First patient treated in groundbreaking trial
- National Institute for Health Award
- Official Opening of Clinical Research Imaging Centre Edinburgh
- SINAPSE Annual Scientific Prize Winners 2010
- The Royal College of Radiologists Audit
- Presentation to 23rd European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Cabinet Secretary Michael Russell hears about the benefits of Knowledge Exchange activities between Industry and Academia
- SINAPSE has been awarded a grant by Institute of Advanced Studies
- SINAPSE featured in the British Institute of Radiology Autumn 2009 newsletter
- Conference Report: New Developments in Clinical Trials in Neuroscience & Psychiatry
- MIDAS - Research Medical Imaging Data in the University and the NHS.
- Vacancy: 5 Lecturer posts at Dundee in Medical Devices, Imaging & Technology, Surgical Robotics, and Medical Informatics
- Vacancy: PDRAs at Dundee in Biomedical Engineering
- Innovation Partnership Fund 2022 Awards
- University of St Andrews hosts world-leading researchers at ‘watershed’ dementia summit
- PhD Studentship at Glasgow: Magnetic resonance imaging physics for the study of small vessel disease in humans at ultra-high field
- Summary of 2022 SINAPSE ASM
- Vacancy: Director, NLP – Machine/Deep Learning Focus
- SINAPSE ECR Exchange Fund 2022
- PhD Opportunity: University of Glasgow
- PhD Opportunity: University of Edinburgh
- NeuroLogica Announces a Research Partnership with the University of Dundee
- 2023 SINAPSE ASM Registration Now Open
- Vacancy: RA at University of Glasgow - Optimising Singlet Oxygen Dosimetry for Photodynamic Therapy
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Development and/or Ageing Neuroimaging
- Vacancy: Edinburgh - Radiochemistry Technician
- 2023 ASM Prizewinners
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - RA 7T MRI
- Vacancy: University of Dundee - PICTURES Data Scientist, AI and Imaging Data Expert
- Summary of SINAPSE 2023 ASM
- PhD Studentship in Edinburgh: Determining cerebral small vessel function and flow in small vessel disease
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Medical Imaging Data Analyst and Manager
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - Research Associate in MRI Data Analysis
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - Professor/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in 7T MRI Brain Imaging
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - PDRA Computational Microscopy
- Total-body scanner set to unlock disease insights
- Vacancy: Glasgow - PET RPU Quality Specialist
- Vacancy: Edinburgh Imaging Centre Manager
- Vacancy: University of Glasgow - PDRA RF pulse design
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Image Analysis
- Vacancy: University of Stirling - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- 3D-printed chip showing body’s reaction to drugs could end need for animal tests
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Radiochemistry QA Manager
- Vacancy - University of Strathclyde - Research Associate Cognitive Ageing
- Vacancy - University of Dundee - Senior Researcher
- Vacancy - University of Glasgow - Part Time Research Assistant/Associate
- 2024 SINAPSE ASM - First Call for Abstracts
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Director of the Preclinical MRI Facility
- SINAPSE ASM 2024 - Registration Open
- Vacancy - University of Edinburgh - Translational PET Radiochemist
- Scotland to host research challenge using the most comprehensive set of dementia biomarker data in the world
- Clerk Maxwell Cancer Research Fund - Call for Applications
- Vacancy: PhD in Iodine Radiochemistry - University Caen Normandy
- SECRE Fund 2024 - Call for Applications
- Vacancy - NHSGGC QEUH - Health Care Support Worker Research Imaging
- Vacancy: SINAPSE Operations Manager
- Vacancy: PhD University of Dundee - Facilitating early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases through normative modelling of healthy brain states
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Clinical Research Fellow in Small Vessel Diseases, Stroke and Dementia
- SINAPSE Annual Report 22-23
- Vacancy: Clinical Scientist Fellow
- Vacancy: University of Edinburgh - Principal PET Physicist
- Summary 2024 SINAPSE ASM
- Vacancy - UoG Research Assistant/Associate RF Coil Engineering
- Michael Mosley: Wonders Of The Human Body
- RS Macdonald Facility Access Funding - Applications are now closed.
- Vacancy – University of Aberdeen: Research Fellow
- SINAPSE Seminar Series – Idea to Impact
- 2 x PhD positions - Causal AI in understanding medical images (University of Edinburgh)
- PhD position - Development of a minimally invasive, ultrasound guided, rat myocardial infarction model (University of Edinburgh)
- Translational GMP Radiochemist vacancy - University of Glasgow