PET Tracer Kinetic Modelling
Research Themes:
PET Tracer Kinetic Modelling
Key Publications:
NeuroImageVolume 50, Issue 3, 15 April 2010, Pages 984-993 Simplified quantification of 5-HT2A receptors in the human brain with [11C]MDL 100,907 PET and non-invasive kinetic analyses Philipp T. Meyera, Zubin Bhagwagarb, Philip J. Cowenc, Vincent J. Cunningham, Paul M. Grasbye and Rainer Hinzf
The direct calculation of parametric images from dynamic PET data using maximum-likelihood iterative reconstruction; Julian Matthews, Dale Bailey, Pat Price,Vin Cunningham; Physics in Medicine and Biology Volume 42 Number 6 Create an alert RSS this journal 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 1155 doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/42/6/012
Prediction of repeat-dose occupancy from single-dose data: characterisation of the relationship between plasma pharmacokinetics and brain target occupancy; Sergio Abanades, Jasper van der Aart, Julien AR Barletta, Carmine Marzano, Graham E Searle, Cristian A Salinas, Javaad J Ahmad, Richard R Reiley, Sabina Pampols-Maso1, Stefano Zamuner3, Vincent J Cunningham, Eugenii A Rabiner Marc A Laruelle and Roger N Gunn; Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2011) 31, 944–952; doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2010.175;
Cerebral decreases in opioid receptor binding in patients with central neuropathic pain measured by [11C] diprenorphine binding and PET; AKP Jones, H Watabe, VJ Cunningham, Terry Jones; European Journal of Pain, 2004 – Elsevier