7th IWPFI meeting

The meeting is capped at 200 participants, so early registration is highly recommended. There are hotel block bookings at reduced rates and the early bird registration gives a 50% discount …more

SINAPSE meets with the Farr Institute

Around 20 academics and clinicians from across Scotland came together in Edinburgh on 17 March for our first ‘Frontiers Meeting’. These are aimed at identifying research opportunities arising from the …more

BNA Festival of Neuroscience 2015

The BNA2015: Festival of Neuroscience will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). For details see http://www.bna2015.org/

MNE-Python meeting

This was a gathering of the MNE-Python project developers for the purpose of focused collaborative software development. Anyone interested can contact Roman on r.s.goj@stir.ac.uk.

SINAPSE ASM prize winners

Best proffered platform presentation: Gavin Merrifield for his talk on “Experimental Measurements of Preclinical fMRI (In)Stability”. Gavin was a SINAPSE student at Edinburgh and now works as a post doc …more

Scientific Officer position

At Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, we have a Scientific Officer position. The selected candidate will help in the micro PET/SPECT/CT pre-clinical imaging. So, we are looking for a person …more

Public Engagement with Research

Explaining research in plain language is far from simple. At the annual SINAPSE induction event we emphasise the importance of communicating with a lay audience and Cordelia Ditton, from Voice …more


This is an exciting opportunity to develop medical research imaging analysis at the University of Edinburgh. Full details from University of Edinburgh recruitment – reference 022557

Professor Pickard retires

Professor John Pickard was Chair of the SINAPSE International Advisory Board. His long and distinguished career was marked by a Festshrift on 14th March at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge. Professor …more

Launch of CENSIS

CENSIS, the Innovation Centre for Sensors and Imaging Systems, was formally launched on 14th January. Presentations were made by Fergus Ewing, Scottish Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism; Steve Beaumont, …more

Post doctoral position in MR physics

An exciting 3 year post-doc position for an imaging physicist to do develop MR parameters of invasion in small animal models of glioblastoma is available in Glasgow. The closing date …more