SFC SINAPSE SPIRIT Programme of Knowledge Exchange in Imaging
Aims and Objectives
To convene a group of world experts in all aspects of creating, curating, and using brain image banks, particularly of normal individuals, to discuss:
Philosophical and biological issues such as ‘What is normal”, how to facilitate potential clinical and research uses of brain image banks and atlases. Technical issues such as between scanner variation, user access and portals, database infrastructures, statistical issues in image processing and atlas creation, ways to facilitate harmonisation of images and metadata between existing and future planned brain image banks, data sharing, maximization of potential extractable information and impact.
Legal and ethical issues such as privacy, anonymisation, ‘research tourism’, secondary uses.
Encourage brain image banks to be compatible world-wide.
Facilitate ways to contribute imaging collected in publicly funded research or in clinical practice, where appropriate, to brain image banks and made easily accessible.
Facilitate discussion between image banks in different countries, including to support existing harmonisation initiatives
It is expected, by the end of the meeting, to produce a consensus statement on the future of brain image banks for clinical and research use world-wide (including managing incidental findings, harmonising metadata, practical, ethical and governance issues), to be submitted for publication.
A particular focus will be the immediate need for strategy for the UK to benefit from its recent and planned substantial investments in neuroimaging of large population cohorts of different ages. This workshop provides a prime environment in which to design such a resource.
Participants will be pseudo-randomly assigned to groups for discussion sessions, ensuring an equal balance of expertise; each work group will have a chair, scribe and spokesperson; the feedback sessions will have a moderator; a full provisional list of participants will be available.
To see full details of the programme click here
Suggested articles and resources for the meeting
See presentations from the meeting
Many thanks to our funders whose contributions have made this meeting possible: