Category: Uncategorized

SINAPSE Image of the Month: 3D PC-MRI

Courtesy of Dr Pauline Hall Barrientos, this animated image demonstrates the 3D PC-MRI technique which visualises blood flow through vessels. This image illustrates 3D blood through a carotid with stenosis, …more

Dr Christine Demore leaving Dundee

Dr Christine Démoré, who has been an active SINAPSE member in ultrasound research at the University of Dundee, is moving to a position at the Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto, …more

BRAINS Imagebank data now available

The Brain Imaging of Normal Subjects (BRAINS) project at the University of Edinburgh now has brain MRI images across the lifespan available to request at the following website: BRAINS Imagebank …more

Summary of 2016 SINAPSE ASM

The 8th SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting was held on 17 June 2016, hosted by the University of Stirling. The programme featured stimulating presentations on the latest developments in clinical and …more

Taiwan visit by SINAPSE researchers

With funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), Taiwan, two SINAPSE image analysis experts recently visited National Taiwan University in Taipei …more

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