The Global Challenge Network+ in Advanced Radiotherapy is being funded by a £915,000 grant from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). The aim of this Network is to bring the STFC community and the clinical community together to share expertise and develop new active research synergies and collaborations.
To start this process off there will be two Launch meetings, one in the South (Imperial College 22nd April 2016) and one in the North (Cockcroft Institute 27th April 2016). These meetings will have a similar format so people only need to attend one meeting.
The meetings will explain the vision of the Network+, with invited talks on potential areas for collaboration. There will also be an opportunity for the community attending the meeting(s) to decide on the subjects for the subsequent ‘Global Challenge Sandpit events’. The Launch meetings will also introduce the 50% Network+ funded PhD studentships.
The Global Challenge Sandpits will be designed to pump-prime collaborations between the STFC and the clinical community. Collaborative projects from the Sandpits will be supported by a small amount of funding (each Sandpit will have about £100k to distribute).Those wishing to suggest a topic for a Sandpit are invited to give a 2 minute elevator pitch (at one of the Launch Meetings).
To register for the meetings, visit the STFC website: