SINAPSE (Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence) and SULSA (Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance) wish to support access to Scottish facilities and support research projects within the RS Macdonald scope of neurological conditions and retinal disease. Applicants are invited to apply for up to £10,000 for research projects within the scope, we will fund between 8-10 applications. Applications must be led by a SULSA/SINAPSE member university/institute but can include co-applicants from across the UK and internationally. We encourage technical staff to be considered as co-applicants for SULSA relevant projects.

Detailed information on eligibility and funding can be found on the SULSA webpage

Important Dates:

Opens: 23rd September 2024

Information Session: 1st October 2024 10 am – 11 am (register free here)

Closes: 16th December 2024

How to Apply: 

Please submit your completed RS Macdonald Application Form via e-mail (all files merged into a single PDF) by the above deadline to:

SULSA Applications: 
SINAPSE Applications: