The 15th SINAPSE ASM was a one-day event on the 14th of June 2023 . We were hosted by the University of Glasgow in the new Mazumdar Shaw Advanced Research Centre (ARC). The full agenda, abstracts and keynote speaker biographies are available in the 2023 programme.
The first Plenary Session was opened by Dr Sydney Williams welcoming the delagates to Glagow on behalf of the Organising Committee, followed by an introduction from SINAPSE Director, Dr Jennifer Macfarlane. Our first Keynote presentation was from Dr Gaël Chételat (Normandie University, GIP Cyceron, Caen) on “Neuroimaging in AD diagnosis”. This was followed by an introduction to the EuroLaD-EEG consortium from Dr Mario Parra Rodriguez (University of Strathclyde).
Three parallel sessions followed a tea break – Parallel 1: Psychology, Psychiatry & Preclinical, chaired by Dr Magdalena Ietswaart (University of Stirling); Parallel 2: Clinical Applications, chaired by Dr Ammad Mahmood (University of Glasgow); Parallel 3: Methods Development, chaired by Dr Jennifer Macfarlane (NHS Tayside).
Following lunch was another series of Parallel Sessions – Parallel 4: Neuroimaging, chaired by Dr Sin Yee Foo (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde); Parallel 5: Image Analysis, chaired by Dr Gordon Waiter (University of Aberdeen).
Plenary Session 2 followed a tea break, chaired by Dr Graeme Keith (University of Glasgow). This opened with this year’s ECR Rising Star talk, given by Dr Mark MacAskill (University of Edinburgh) “Illuminating adverse cardiovascular remodelling through the development of translational molecular imaging approaches”.
Our second and final Keynote was from Prof Iris Grunwald (University of Dundee) “The future of CT on Mobile Stroke Units”.
Dr Jennifer Macfarlane announced the prize winners, for the best presentation in each Parallel Session, best poster, and best runner-up poster and closed the event for this year.
The exhibition featured stands and representatives from Siemens Healthineers, NordicNeuroLab, GE Healthcare, MR CoilTech, NVIDIA, Tayside Innovation Medtech Ecosystem, and Ballater Medical.
We’d like to thank our volunteers for making the event run so well Amnah Alamri, Zhengshuyi Feng, Sara Scarfo, Jenny Waymont, and Steven Winata.
The organising committee comprised: Dr Sydney Williams, Dr Graeme Keith, Dr Ammad Mahmood, and Dr Sin Yee Foo.
Prize Winners:
Parallel 1: Psychology, Psychiatry & Preclinical Imaging – Kelly Panichnantakul, University of Edinburgh
Parallel 2: Methods Development – Hannah Thomson, University of Glasgow
Parallel 3: Clinical Applications – Abeer Alhusaini, University of Dundee
Parallel 4: Neuroimaging – Divya Baskaran, University of Glasgow
Parallel 5: Image Analysis – Leah White, University of Dundee
Best Poster: Yingying Huang, University of Glasgow
Poster Runner-up: James Dowsett, University of Stirling