By joining a diverse team of researchers with expertise in preclinical imaging and radiotherapy research, you will lead the development and implementation of high-content data integration for the CRUK Glasgow Radiotherapy Centre of Excellence (RadNet). The goal of this research programme is to understand how spatial biomarkers can be used to adapt radiotherapy delivery. Primarily you will be responsible for the integration and quantification of multimodal preclinical (e.g. CT, MRI, PET) and high-content tissue-based imaging data (e.g. mass spectrometry imaging and spatial transcriptomics). This will involve collaborating with researchers with expertise in preclinical PET/MRI and radiotherapy to design data-driven workflows combining 2D and 3D datasets and applying these to radiotherapy plans and maps of biomarker response.

You will provide in-depth knowledge of quantitative and computational methods to the CRUK RadNet Glasgow Centre and be responsible for communicating methodology and providing training to research staff and students. You will play a significant role in growing the Centre’s research programme and in establishing and maintaining collaborations with internal and external partners.

For informal enquiries, please contact Dr David Lewis ()

For further information see

Closing date: 21 September 2020