The EU project PET3D (PET Imaging in Drug Design and Development) is a new Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded (€4M) by the European Commission under the H2020 – MSCA-ITN-2015 programme, and coordinated by Professor Matteo Zanda at the University of Aberdeen.
PET3D is run by a Consortium of Universities and Industries operating in the Pharma sector with the aim to provide excellent, interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial training in Drug Design and Development within an innovative PhD programme for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs).
All of the ESRs recruited by PET3D will be exposed to a variety of highly complementary research environments spanning different therapeutic areas: oncology, cardiovascular, neuroscience and all of the ESRs will spend at least one secondment in a different country and will have the opportunity to attend training events and consortium meetings in all of the 7 countries involved in PET3D.
A position is now open at the University of Bergen, Norway:
PhD Fellow: ESR9 ‘Novel probes for hypoxia and NTR-reporter gene imaging’. Secondment: 6 months at AstraZenaca, Sweden (month 18)
For details of this position, go to
The deadline for application is 14 August 2017.