My current interest include; the late life imaging correlates of early life conditions and experiences; the imaging correlates on cognitive reserve; the use of entropy to measure adaptive capacity in the brain; imaging the non cognitive aspects of dementia and the influence of TAU aggregation inhibition on brain function and structure
Research Themes:
Imaging the ageing brain and dementia
Key Publications:
1. Staff RT, Murray AD, Deary IJ, Whalley LJ. What provides cerebral reserve? Brain 2004; 127:1191-9.
3. Wischik C, Staff RT Challenges in the conduct of disease-modifying trials in AD: Practical experience from a phase 2 trial of tau-aggregation inhibitor therapy. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 2009; 132(4):367-9.
2. Staff RT, Gemmell HG, Shanks MF, Murray AD, Venneri A. Changes in the rCBF images of patients with Alzheimer’s disease receiving Donepezil therapy. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2000; 21(1):37-41.
Pete Benthan (Birmigham) United Kingdom
Brendan Bunting (Ulster) United Kingdom
Claude Wischik (Aberdeen) Scotland
Mike Hogan (Galway) International
Ian Deary (Edinburgh) Scotland
Lawrence Whalley (Aberdeen, UHI) Scotland